LADY HUMPADORI is a performative persona or avatar produced through a comics collaboration with Bishakh Som from work in The Trouble with Humpadori. Lady Humpadori is a feminine form (or deposit) of the shapeshifting entity Humpadori. The “Lady Humpadori” video below is based on the comic “Lady Humapdori,” drawn by Bishakh Som (see image on left).

Cover of micro-comic collaboration "Lady Humpadori" with graphic artist Bishakh Som
“Vidhu Aggarwal & Bishakh Som combined for a piece that addresses gender, weight, appearance, and identity, transforming the young woman in front of a mirror into a goddess while the evocative text works in tandem with the drawings, adding flavor and depth without superseding the images. This piece and Reklaw’s piece both get at something human and emotional and aren’t simply linguistic trickery.” —ROB CLOUGH from a review of INK BRICK in Comics Journal