Divas, Devis, and other Avatars

Click on the images below for links to avatar performance/voice works (as Radioactive Devi, Lady Humpadori, Manifest Humpadori, Discoballhead, etc.) in video and photos

“Net mama’s got gamma rays in her marmalade.

She’s eating primal lava like raw meat.”

— from “Mahadevi Malware” in Daughter Isotope


Radioactive Divas and Devas


Radioactive Devi

A “daughter isotope” is the scientific word for the decay particle in the process of nuclear decay. The Radioactive Devi goddess persona plays off this gendering of atomic processes. The text in this video comes from various poems in my book Daughter Isotope.



Cosmic club kid avatar who discos “the blueball of millennial tsunami” for millennia


Emily D Avatar

Radioactive Emily Dickinson


MJ Avatar

The maps ride up         warp and bulge— 

from “Michael Jackson Cartography” in Daughter Isotope


Performative Avatars of Humpadori


Manifest Humpadori

An avatar of the migrant, Orientalized body, Manifest Humpadori drops as a fleshy, disheveled bride, incarnating in a variety of locations, confused about place, national origins, and time.


Lady Humpadori

Lady Humpadori is a hyper-feminized embodiment of HUMP, and was created in collaboration with graphic artist Bishakh Som.

Stay tuned for Radioactive Devi Media